

book astrology reading!

Please fill out the form and I will be in touch to secure a date and time for us to connect.

Astrology readings happen over Zoom unless a phone call is requested.

astrology FAQs

  • To book an astrology reading you need to know your birth date, birth location and exact birth time.

    If you do not know your exact birth time I’d suggest checking your birth certificate, a baby book, or asking a relative.

    If you are still unsure of your exact birth time but would like to proceed with a reading, let me know and we will work with what we’ve got!

  • You do not need to know any astrology to enjoy or find value in an astrology reading.

    As the astrologer, I will meet you where you are and where you feel most comfortable.

    If you are interested in learning astrology please tell me as I would love to be a resource for you on your journey.

  • You do not have to have anything prepared for an astrology reading.

    All you need is access to Zoom for our virtual consultation and an open mind.

    To get the most our of your reading, you might be interested in this resource which provides tips and tricks for getting the most out of an astrology reading.

  • Since 2018, I have had exposure to both modern and Hellenistic astrological traditions. I studied with Shirley Soffer and John Marchesella using the Placidus house system and engaging with the chart from a modern psychological perspective.

    Early in my studies, I became interested in Demetra George’s work with asteroids.

    In 2019, I switched my focus from modern astrology to traditional astrology and began studying with Demetra George. I am currently pursuing a 3-year Hellenistic Certification with Demetra George.

    Today, I use the whole sign house system, and apply traditional rulerships of the planets and houses. I assess planetary condition from a traditional perspective with empathy and use modern outer planets to shed deeper insights.

    My practice today honors both lineages. I have seen both perspectives to be extremely valuable to clients. I respect all astrologers’ choice of house system and tradition and am always learning and building on my foundation.