your birth chart is a seed

Astrology is a powerful self-discovery tool centered around your birth chart. Your chart contains all of the incredible potentials of your being that unfold over the course and duration of your life.

An astrology reading with Amy holds space for self-acknowledgment through the elements of nature. See the reflection of yourself through the alignment of time and space in a given moment and cycle at large.

Astrology inspired the heart and mind of Amy in 2018. She is passionate about engaging with the language of astrology and its capacity to connect with a deep calling of the soul.

In her practice, she invites individuals to focus on fostering spiritually-driven awareness in alignment with their soul’s conscious purpose. Her unwavering intention and commitment in every astrology session is to impart the profound sense of being deeply witnessed and earnestly empowered.

about amy angelo

Introduce astrology to your next private gathering

It takes a village

Healing is a collective experience. Over the years, Amy has had the pleasure to ground, grow and heal with these incredible people who have inspired her work.



stay connected


“Amy was professional, easy to work with, and very knowledgeable in her field. She enabled the group to understand a new perspective of diversity by focusing on the elemental composition of our charts and how it relates to our unique identities. Amy successfully executed a thought-provoking event and received great feedback from our investor network.”


“Amy is a very insightful, impactful, and unique astrologer— she is truly an original in her field. Her knowledge of my current life and her advice regarding these really spoke to me… She had a way of reading that brought me a feeling of motivation & healing, always allowing space for me to absorb her insights & clarify with her in a therapeutic sense.”