amy angelo

Astrologer | Web Designer
Currently pursuing M.A. in Psychology at Columbia University, Spirituality Mind Body Institute

Amy is interested in the historical grounding and rich cultural history of ancient astrology. She holds a certification from Demetra George in Hellenistic Astrology, a rigorous three-year curriculum that explores ancient perspectives on planetary condition, the houses, and timing techniques.

Amy’s practice offers natal astrology readings, solar return readings, Altar of the Asteroids: a one-of-a-kind visual mythic journey, SMS astrology text support, and astrology-guided corporate development and events in NYC. Her group work specializes in bringing astrology into corporate America in NYC to foster connection and celebrate diversity within organizations and networks.

Amy’s work as a freelance web designer primarily focuses on consulting with astrologers and spiritual entrepreneurs to bring their businesses online for the first time.

Amy’s work and focus is expanding to support women more wholly. Her background in women’s reproductive health started in 2017 when she followed a calling to be a patient advocate at Bread and Roses abortion clinic in Gainesville, FL. In this role, she worked as a trusted advisor for women undergoing medical abortions. This experience profoundly changed her life and instilled a lifelong passion for women’s reproductive freedom.

In a post Roe vs. Wade reality, she feels a fierce urgency to circle back to her roots in advocating and destigmatizing women’s reproductive health care.  Her goal with the Spirituality Mind Body Institute is to develop healing programs and educational resources for women experiencing pregnancy loss. She aims to foster spiritual and emotional healing for women and their family systems.

In her free time Amy loves to travel to connect with nature and sacred sites, walk labyrinths, play with clay, practice yoga & meditation and swim in the sea. She is an aspiring bee-keeper and plans to move to Bozeman, MT in 2026.

Connect with Amy on Instagram: @amyangeloastro and TikTok @amyangeloastro

Amy continues to expand her astrological studies and is enrolled in Dr. Ben Dykes first year Traditional Natal Astrology Course, Orphic Star Initiation with Drew Levati and Kristin Mathis, and Martin Gansten’s Primary Directions course.

education / training

  • University of Florida - Bachelor of Science in Advertising, 2013-2017

  • University of Florida - Master of Arts in Web Design and Online Communication, 2017-2019

  • Demetra George, M.A. - Certification in Hellenistic Astrology Theory & Practice, 2019 - 2023

  • Demetra George, M.A. - Asteroids Retreat, December 2023

  • Columbia University, Teachers College - Currently pursuing Master of Art in Psychology with a focus on Spirituality, Mind and Body, 2024-2026

  • Dr. Benjamin Dykes, PhD - Traditional Natal Astrology Course, Year 1, 2024 - present